Snowmobiling Grand Tetons
Many great snowmobile trails exist in the country around Grand Teton National Park but very limited use is allowed inside the park. Guided snowmobile and snowcoach tours are offered in Yellowstone National Park.
In Grand Teton, snowmobiling is allowed only on the frozen surface of Jackson Lake to Best Available Technology (BAT) snowmobiles to provide access for ice fishing. Snowmobiles that have been certified to meet Yellowstone BAT standards and are less than 10 years old with odometer mileage under 6000 are allowed on Jackson Lake.
In the John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway, the Grassy Lake Road is open to snowmobiles with no BAT requirements. There is no guided requirement on either Jackson Lake or the Grassy Lake Road.
Grooming and travel on the Continental Divide Snowmobile Trail between Moran Junction and Flagg Ranch has been discontinued.
Cross-country skiing and snowshoeing are popular activities in the park during the long winter months. From December through March, rangers offer guided snowshoe hikes from the Craig Thomas Discovery and Visitor Center. Call 307-739-3399 for more details and to make reservations. Local companies also offer guided snowshoe and cross-country ski trips.
The park includes many steep slopes that are prone to avalanches. Do not venture into these areas unless you have knowledge of avalanche safety and have proper equipment.
Some areas in the park are closed to visitors during winter to protect wintering wildlife. These areas include the Snake River bottom from Moose north to Moran Junction, Buffalo Fork of the Snake River in the park, Kelly Hill, Uhl Hill and Wolff Ridge. Closures for the protection of bighorn sheep include: Static Peak, Prospectors Mountain, and Mount Hunt including peaks 10988, 10905, and 10495; all areas above 9900 feet (3000m) and south-facing slopes on Mount Hunt above 8580 feet (2600m); Banana Couloir is open.
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Snowmobiling Grand Tetons