Northeastern Utah Fishing
Ashley Creek
Contains rainbow and brown trout. Artificial flies and lures only.
Big Sandwash
Contains rainbow and brown trout. Stocked with fingerling rainbow. Lots of crayfish. Elevation is 5,900 feet. Located northeast of Duchesne. Take Highway 40 ten miles east of Duchesne, turn north through Bridgeland, go about 12 miles to the reservoir or take Highway 87 north of Duchesne about 34 miles. Has a boat ramp and primitive camping.
Bottle Hollow Reservoir
Contains rainbow trout. On Ute tribal lands. Requires a special fishing license that can be obtained at Bottle Hollow.
Brush Creek
Contains rainbow, brook and brown trout. Excellent small steam. Access out of Vernal on south slope of Uinta Mountains.
Brough Reservoir
Contains large rainbow and brown trout. Managed as a Blue Ribbon trophy trout water, artificial flies and lures only. Elevation is 5,000 feet. Follow Highway 40 east of Roosevelt (west of Vernal) to Highway 88 turnoff. Go 4 1/2 miles south on Highway 88, reservoir is 1/2 mile west of the road. No facilities.
Browne Lake
Contains rainbow and brook trout; kokanee salmon. Stocked with catchable rainbow and fingerling brook trout. Has a boat ramp. No access problems. While at the lake, fish Carter Creek. It contains rainbow, cutthroat and brook trout. Often good late in the summer.
Bullock Reservoir
Contains rainbow trout and largemouth bass. Elevation is 5,200 feet. Follow Highway 40 east of Roosevelt about one mile past Bottle Hollow, turn north and follow the road about 4 miles. No facilities. Crayfish are abundant.
Calder Reservoir
Contains rainbow trout. Elevation 7,100 feet Take Highway 44 north of Vernal to Diamond Mountain Road. Take this graded road about 18 miles east.
Causey Reservoir
Contains rainbow and cutthroat trout, splake and kokanee. Limited boat access — boats must be carried down a steep slope and hand-launched. No boat ramp, no camping. Tributaries closed through early summer.
Cottonwood Reservoir
Contains rainbow trout and largemouth bass. Managed as a warm water fishery. No boat ramp. Bass limit 6 and only 1 over 12 inches.
Crouse Reservoir
Contains rainbow trout. Elevation is 7,100 feet. Take Highway 44 north of Vernal to Diamond Mountain Road. Take this graded road east about 20 miles. Calder Reservoir is about 1.5 miles west of this water. No boat ramp.
Currant Creek
Contains brown, cutthroat and rainbow trout. Stocked with catchable rainbow. Camping in area. Special regulations on the upper section.
Currant Creek Reservoir
Contains rainbow and cutthroat trout. Has a paved boat ramp. Very nice campground. Receives heavy pressure.
Dry Fork
Contains brook and cutthroat trout. Flows off the south slope of the Uintas. It can be accessed near Paradise Park Reservoir in its upper reaches.
Duchesne River
Contains rainbow, brown, cutthroat and brook trout; whitefish. Access via U.S. 40 and U-35 near Duchesne. Mostly private or Indian lands. Camping in the area. The West Fork is managed as a wild trout stream. Contains cutthroat and brown trout. Special regulations on the West Fork. North Fork contains rainbow and cutthroat trout. It is stocked with catchable rainbow. Heavy spring runoff can be expected.
East Park Reservoir
Contains rainbow and brook trout. Stocked with catchable rainbow and fingerling brook trout. Has a boat ramp and camping.
Flaming Gorge Reservoir
Rainbow, brown and lake (mackinaw) trout; smallmouth bass; kokanee salmon; catfish. Elevation 6,200 feet. From Vernal north on U-44 and U.S. 191, or from Manila east on U-43 or south on U-44. Lodges, cabins, motels, trailer courts, Forest Service campgrounds, picnic areas, marinas, boats. Popular ice fishing area for lake trout. Record lake trout taken from this water. Check the special regulations.
Green River
Contains rainbow, brown, brook, and cutthroat trout downstream from Flaming Gorge Dam to the Colorado border. Special regulations on the upper section. From Dinosaur National Monument downstream the river principally contains channel catfish and carp. It is accessible at several points (Jensen, Ouray, Green River, Canyonlands National Park). Various facilities are available. There are some big catfish in this stretch of the river but few people fish for them. The river is closed to the taking of nongame fish, except that carp may be taken by angling, archery or spearfishing equipment. Northern pike have found their way into the river and are sometimes caught near the mouth of Ashley Creek.
Henry's Fork
Contains rainbow, brook and brown trout. Access out of Wyoming on the north slope of the Uinta Mountains.
Jones Hole Creek
Contains rainbow and brown trout. Some camping in area. Special regulations.
Lake Boreham (Midview)
Contains smallmouth bass, walleye and some rainbow trout. This reservoir is located on Ute Tribal grounds and it can not be fished without a special fishing license which can be obtained from the Ute tribe. The state record smallmouth bass was taken from this reservoir (6 pounds 12 ounces).
Lake Fork River
Contains rainbow, brook and brown trout. South slope of Uintas.
Little Bear River
Contains catfish, walleye, carp, bass in lower reaches; trout in upper reaches. East fork, upstream from Porcupine Reservoir is closed during the kokanee run. Downstream from Porcupine Reservoir to the Avon-Paradise County Road, Artificial flies and lures only.
Matt Warner Reservoir
Contains rainbow, cutthroat and brook trout. Has a boat ramp and camping.
Mirror Lake
Contains rainbow and brook trout. Elevation is 10,050 feet. Access via Kamas and U-150. Often inaccessible until late June because of snow. Forest Service campgrounds, picnic facilities, boat ramp, some concessions.
Montez Creek Reservoir
Contains largemouth bass. Subject to draw-down.
Moon Lake
Contains rainbow, brown and cutthroat trout; splake, whitefish; kokanee salmon and a few grayling. Elevation 8,100 feet. 29 miles north of Duchesne through Mountain Home. Lake is about 15 miles north of Mountain Home. Lodge, cabins, boats, campgrounds.
Oaks Park Reservoir
Contains rainbow trout. Stocked with catchables. No boat ramp. Camping in the area.
Paradise Park Reservoir
Contains rainbow and brook trout. No boat ramp. Due to high elevation it may not be accessible until June.
Pelican Lake
Contains largemouth bass green sunfish catfish and bluegill. Access east from Roosevelt on U.S. 40 to U-88, south on U-88 to lake. Boat ramp.
Red Creek
Contains rainbow and brown trout. Check season dates. Muddy for much of the spring and early summer.
Red Creek Reservoir
Contains rainbow and cutthroat trout. Access via U.S. 40 to Fruitland then north, 15 miles on dirt road to the reservoir. No facilities. Check the season dates - closed in the winter.
Red Fleet Reservoir
Contains rainbow and a few brown trout; largemouth bass; bluegill. Access 9 miles north of Vernal just east of Highway 44 on Big Brush Creek. Campground, boat ramp.
Rock Creek
Contains rainbow, brown, brook trout. Beautiful small stream on the west flank of the Uintas. Can be fast fishing.
Smith's Fork River
Contains rainbows, brook trout. Located on north slope of Uintas. East Fork is closed during the kokanee spawn (August 15 through September 30).
Spirit Lake
Contains rainbow, brook and cutthroat trout. Stocked with catchable rainbow. May not be accessible until about June 1. Several forest service campgrounds in the area. Northeast Uintas.
Starvation Reservoir
Contains brown trout; walleye; smallmouth bass. Elevation 5,620 feet. On U.S. 40 west of Duchesne. Just keep going past Strawberry for about 40 miles. State park, boat ramp, picnic and camping facilities.
Stateline Reservoir
Contains rainbow trout; kokanee salmon. North slope of Uintas. Check the regs for the kokanee.
Steinaker Reservoir
Contains rainbow trout; bass. Elevation 4,500 feet. North of Vernal via U-44. State park, boat ramp, picnic areas, camping, modern restrooms.
Strawberry River
Contains rainbow, brown, cutthroat trout. Rugged terrain and some private land downstream from Strawberry. Special regulations both above and below the reservoir.
Uintah River
Contains rainbow, brown, brook and cutthroat trout. Stocked with rainbow catchables. Camping in the area. South slope.
Upper Stillwater Reservoir
Contains rainbows and browns. Located on Rock Creek in southwest Uintas.
White River (Uinta County)
Contains catfish. Closed to the taking of nongame fish. Channel catfish limit is 24.
Whiterocks River
Contains cutthroat and brook trout. Fishing is good in the beaver ponds. Camping in the area. South Slope of the Uintas.
Yellowstone River
Contains rainbow, brook and cutthroat trout. Stocked with catchable rainbow. South Slope of the Uintas. Camping in the area.
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Northeastern Utah Fishing