Uintah County Off-road Trails

undefined Vernal, UT 84078

There are hundreds of miles of OHV trails in Uintah County. Start with the Outlaw OHV Trail system near Vernal. It has options for riders of all abilities.

If your idea of a rocky road involves an ice cream cone, you’re in the wrong place. But if your thoughts immediately turn to a lift kit for your Jeep or a skid plate for your side-by-side, keep reading. Uintah County has hundreds of miles of OHV trails rivaling those found in other parts of our six-sided state (lookin’ at you, Moab!), but with fewer people maneuvering their modified rides through boulder fields, sandy slopes, slick rock and other obstacles. 

Outlaw OHV Trail System

With several access points located in and around Vernal, the Outlaw Trail System is the place to ride in Uintah County. There are options for beginners and advanced riders, but keep in mind that trail difficulty can change from a heavy rain storm or the vehicle before you churning the trail. 

DOCS BEACH & SAND BAR | Bring a change of pants (8-10/10 & 7-8/10)

Two loops, one mad OHV adventure … with optional obstacles if the washes, steep cliffs and rock crawling aren’t quite crazy enough.

RED MOUNTAIN | “Oh crap” handles required for passengers (8/10)

Nature’s equivalent of Lagoon’s historic wooden roller coaster, this is a b-b-bumpy scramble to the summit of Red Mountain for experienced riders. Please keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times.

BUTCH CASSIDY LOOP | Not suitable for trailer queens (7/10)

Bump, bump, ding, ding. The pinball obstacle on this trail requires a “beauty mark” attitude about minor dents. Leave the acrophobes at home because it’s also got a narrow ridge to navigate.

JOSIE MORRIS | A little bit country, a whole lotta rock and roll (6/10)

With red-sand slopes leading to a slickrock canyon punctuated by green vegetation, the Josie Morris trail is as colorful as the frontier woman it's named after. 

MOONSHINE ARCH | Rated “PG” for petroglyphs (6/10)

Banked turns on the red-sand road leading to the massive arch are money. Rolling hills on the return and petroglyph panels are an added bonus.  

SUNDANCE KID LOOP | Hold on to your bowler hat (6/10)

Aptly named for an outlaw who experienced some spine-tingling ups and downs, this ride delivers adrenaline of the legal kind for both beginner and experienced riders.

JOHN TAYLOR LOOP | Only a little cheek clenching (5-7/10)

Generally mild, but it gets a bit gnarly for a mile stretch littered with small boulders and logs. A creek crossing adds to the fun. 

RECTOR/DRAGON | Won’t scratch your skid plate (5/10)

Not to fear, there are no mythical creatures to slay along the Rector/Dragon Trail. Just a whole lot of scenery, easygoing terrain and a few ghost towns.

OUTLAW RANGE RIDE | Goldilocks approved (5/10)

Everything about this ride is juuuuust right. It makes a gradual climb through sagebrush flats into the alpine forest. An underground adventure awaits those who are willing to travel a short distance on foot.

JOHN JARVIE | Rated “G” for grams and gramps (3/10)

This easy ride features mellow terrain and historical highlights from the Old West, including a stop at a historic ranch where famous outlaws and everyday western travelers once gathered to trade, shop and rest. Maps: 

FREE OHV COURSE: Utah requires all OHV operators to complete the free Utah Off-Highway Vehicle Education Course. Operators under the age of 18 shall possess a youth OHV education certificate in order to operate an OHV on public land, road or trail. Operators 18 years of age or older may operate an OHV if they possess an approved adult OHV education certificate. The once-in-a-lifetime course is expected to take less than 30 minutes to complete. 

Take FREE OHV Education Course

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