Fisher Towers Trail
This hike follows an easy trail to a rider overlooking the Fisher Towers, which are scenic rock formations eroded into interesting shapes. They are very photogenic. Rock climbers occasionally scale the towers, which are composed of Moenkopi and Cutler sandstones. Take care not to hike under climbers. The trail has little shade and is very hot on summer afternoons.
(38.7252, -109.309)
The trailhead is located off Hwy 128, east of Moab. From the junction of highways 128 and 191, travel east for 21 miles to an improved dirt road. Turn right onto that dirt road and follow it for 2.2 miles to the parking lot.
Concentration of Towers
(38.7204, -109.303)
The towers have formed along the west side of a ridge. The trail winds along the edge of the ridge, approaching several of the rock structures.
(38.7112, -109.304)
The trail swings south of the towers and climbs a ridge where visitors get outstanding views of the towers to the north and Onion Creek to the south.
Fisher Towers Trail | Photo Gallery

Fisher Towers Trail